Jutze 52 #37 – Team Slater
This song was inspired by the season finale of Community. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that Community is totally awesome. If you’ve seen the last episode this song will make perfectly sense to you. If not, well, go watch Community!
I recorded this song in two takes with my digicam. It’s the last one I recorded while waiting for my new computer, so next week’s track will have a better production. As for future Community fan songs, I just had the idea to write a heavy metal meets glee homage to the episode “Modern Warfare”…
No left-wing tendencies, a firm grip on life
A grown-up character, math power +5
Statistical knowledge along with a steady income
Attractive looks and then some
Go Slater, go! I’m on Team Slater
Go Slater, go! Winger plus Slater
Go Slater, go!She’s the one who’s serious; she’s overcome her fear
She’s very much experienced – the decision should be clear
Go Slater, go! I’m on Team Slater
Go Slater, go! Bring Conan back
Team Slater(words and music by Johannes Schult)