Lucy Wainwright Roche once sang the line “eight weeks away from home now” (in a great songs, by the way). The line stuck in my head and made me wonder what it actually means. I still have no idea. Still, I like it! And I put some chords to my thoughts for this week’s 52-second song.
Five weeks away from home
What does it even mean?
Is it a period of time?
Another chance to make you mine?
To tell you of the things that I have seen?
Five weeks away from home
Does it mean you left in May?
Or does it mean that you
Will be away till June?
Does it make you happy or does it make you sad?
Wir werden nicht rasten, wir werden nicht ruhen
Bis wir zu Hause sind
Wir laufen durch Witten mit Sieben-Meilen-Schuhen
Schneller als der Wind Wir haben nur ein Ziel Kein Schlaf bis Sprockhövel Der letzte Akt in diesem Spiel Kein Schlaf bis Sprockhövel
Wir sind auf der Flucht vor dem jüngsten Gericht
Uns bleibt nur dieser Ort
Wir wollen nach Sprockhövel, wir stoppen vorher nicht
Die Heimat wartet dort Wir haben nur ein Ziel Kein Schlaf bis Sprockhövel Der letzte Akt in diesem Spiel Kein Schlaf bis Sprockhövel No sleep ’til Sprockhövel (words and music by Johannes Schult 2015 Creative Commons by-nc 4.0)
Category: Jutze 52 |
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This is sort of a political song. About eight years ago I got the impression that Hillary Clinton would be the Democrats’ presidential candidate in the upcoming election. Sure, the system provided ample opportunities for other contenders to chime in. None of their names meant anything to me whereas Clinton was a household name. I fully expected her to win that race. Enter Obama. In June 2008, shortly after Hillary Clinton withdrew her candidacy, I bought an “Obama for President” baseball cap. The rest is history.
Just a few weeks ago I had the impression that Hillary Clinton would be the Democrats’ presidential candidate in the upcoming election. Yet, just like eight years ago, a “new” face has appeared. Like Obama, he’s not actually “new” to U.S. politics. More importantly, like Obama, he offers a refreshing alternative to Clinton’s “moderately conservative” direction. His name is Bernie Sanders. I have yet to acquire a “Sanders for President” baseball cape, but I’ve read various articles on him and statements by him over the past few weeks, finding little to nothing I don’t agree with – and now I wholeheartedly wish for him to become Obama’s successor. (America’s Wahl-o-mat) confirmed this impression, yielding a 94% match for me.
Yes, I’m a German. I have no say in the U.S. presidential election. Then again, these are my songs, I can sing about whatever I want. So this week I used the opportunity to show my appreciation for this politician.
I know I’m not a citizen of the USA
I know my little songs have little impact, anyway
But here I am singing to make you understand
There’s a good man who should become the next president Bernie Sanders is good – I really like his agenda
Bernie Sanders is good – He’s a civil rights efender
Bernie Sanders is good – He’s not one of those Wall Street second-handers
Bernie Sanders is good – Please vote for Bernie Sanders