Jutze 52 #52 – 52-Second Song
This song is sung from the perspective of a 52-second song. It sums up one of the main goals of “Jutze 52”. I wrote and recorded it back in spring.
This track is licenced Creative Commons (by-nc) – just like all my 52-second songs. This means you’re allowed to copy, share, edit, adapt the song right away (no need to ask me for permission) as long as you don’t make money with it (non-commercial) and attributed the music to me. So you have the perfect filler for the ending of your next mix tape (or mix CD or mix iPod or whatever it is that is being mixed these days).
Hi there, I’m a 52-second song
Just a short one, just a quick one
To fill up the remaining free space on this CD
This is why I’m here – the reason for my existence
This is why I’m here – a 52-second songAnd it’s just a coincidence that I’m also here to tell you
That whoever made this CD does care a lot about you
This is why I’m here – the reason for my existence
This is why I’m here – a 52-second songAnd while we’re at it
Please save the whales!
This is why I’m here – the reason for my existence
This is why I’m here – a 52-second song(words and music by Johannes Schult)