Toto live in Stuttgart
Toto played at the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart on March 17th, 2007. They’re amazing musicians, so it was a real treat to watch them perfom. They played some really great songs, not just the big hits. Too bad they abbridged half of the songs. “Pamela” and “Caught in the Balance” sounded fantastic and it was fun to hear Bobby Kimball sing “Isolation”. The show couldn’t rival with the stunning gig they played in Böblingen back in 1999, but everybody had a good time this time around, anyway.
- Falling in Between
- King of the World
- Pamela
- Bottom of your Soul
- Caught in the Balance
- Don’t Chain my Heart
- Hold the Line
- Acoustic set
- Stop Loving you
- I’ll Be over you
- Cruel
- Keyboard solo
- Rosanna
- Medley
- I’ll Supply the Love
- Isolation
- Kingdom of Desire
- Gift of Faith
- Guitar solo
- Hydra
- Drum solo
- Taint your World
- Gypsy Train
- Drag him to the Roof
- Africa
Der Herr Theiner:
Alter, und Gandalf am Bass! Wie cool ist das denn! :-)
23 March 2007, 12:13 amJan:
Ein Kommentar zu P’s Kommentar:
Habe gerade mal wieder ein Ohr in das “LotR”-Hörspiel der BBC geworfen und leider keine Buchausgabe dabei — kann daher sein, dass dieser schöne Ausspruch im Original fehlt; dennoch paßt er großartig: “Bless my beard!”
Gruß vom Nabel der Republik,
24 April 2007, 10:19 amJan